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源自於: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/elvistaiwan/11318970

‧Longman Financial Times, Financial Glossary 財經詞彙

1.accounting principles/standards 會計原則/標準
2.aggregate supply 總供給:一國經濟中生產的商品和服務的總量。
3.allotment 配股

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1st. crocodile tears - insincere tears
When the football player broke his leg, his substitute wept crocodile tears.
2nd. to carry the day - to win the approval of the majority
The secretary's motion that we adjourn for lunch carried the day, and we headed for the restaurant.
3rd. Skid Row - disreputable part of town, inhabited by derelicts and people "on the skid"
The presence of so many bars has turned our neighborhood into another Skid Row.

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1st. the sword of Damocles - any imminent danger
Although the president of the company seemed quite secure, he always complained that there was a sword of Damocles hanging over his head.
2nd. Pyrrhic victory - a too costly victory
In heavy fighting the troops managed to recapture the hill, but it could only be considered a Pyrrhic victory.
3rd. a wet blanket - one who spoils the fun

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1st. to eat humble pie - to admit your error and apologize
After his candidate had lost the election, the boastful campaign manager had to eat humble pie.

2nd. a pig in a poke - an item you purchase without having seen; a disappointment
The mail order bicycle that my nephew bought turned out to be a pig in a poke, and he is now trying to get his money back.

3rd. a flash in a pan - promising at the start but then disappointing
The rookie hit many home runs in spring training, but once the season began he proved to be a flash in the pan.

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1. The first sentence of the summary must include the author's name, title of  the article and reflect the thesis or main idea of the entire original article.

2. The first word and the main words of the title must be capitalized.

3. The reporting verbs throughout the summary must be in the present tense and the comma after the article name is inside the quotation marks. Ex: In the article, "Street-Corner Immigration," the author argues.....

4. Include phrases like "The author suggests that...." or "The author describes how..." throughout the summary so that it is clear the ideas belong to the author and not the writer of the summary.

5. When using direct language from the original text this language must be in quotation marks. Otherwise, this is plagiarism which is a serious academic offense. Do not use too many quotes, it is better to paraphrase (put into your own words) the ideas of the author.

6. The final sentence (concluding sentence) of the summary must paraphrase the first sentence of the summary, which is the main idea (thesis) of the original article.

From Instructor-Colleen Ryder (SUNY Albany - IELP) 

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